Boarding Schools
A boarding school is a college preparatory institution where students and teachers live and study together in a safe and secure campus environment. All our boarding schools have highly regarded reputations and offer excellent supervision and care. Boarding schools ensure that there are many tutors and supervisors who also live in and therefore are on hand 24/7 to assist students with their needs, arrangements, academic work, social or pastoral needs. Boarding Schools have an outstanding tradition of academic excellence, built on an educational model that delivers diverse curriculum, taught by highly qualified and exceptionally motivated teachers, in small classes that encourage meaningful interaction with the students.
Beyond the Classroom
At boarding schools, learning extends beyond the classroom. Because staff and students live together, students benefit from countless 'teachable moments' inside and outside of the classroom. Boarding school students also participate in more extracurricular activities than students in state schools, whether playing sports, engaging in creative endeavors like music or painting, or participating in student government and school club activities.
Gaining Independence
Boarding school environments feature a student body composed of young people from a diversity of backgrounds. Students are empowered to achieve their true potential and enjoy a measure of real independence.
Because they are not living at home, they are required to learn how to live with, trust, and respect their peers in an environment of "controlled freedom”.
Many graduates have remarked, there are few substitutes for having to manage your own academic and personal responsibilities at a young age.
Boarding Graduates
Boarding Schools also offer the priceless gift of preparing young people for future success. The academic rigor and the training in negotiating the responsibilities of independence set Boarding School graduates on a path to prosperity—professionally, socially, and culturally.
5 Things You Didn't Know About Boarding Schools
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